Hello world!

Welcome to my blog, a place I share some thoughts with a wider world. They are thoughts important enough to me that, beyond thinking them, I want others to consider them as well. I don’t have the final word, but I hope these thoughts provoke you to think through your own thoughts and act your actions in a way beneficial for yourself and others.

I am no one special. I am an old guy who has learned over the years that what I’m thinking is also being thought—but often left unsaid—by a great many others. I am one of billions living now with hopes and fears, dreams and strategies. I am educated in science and theology, ethics and logic, psychology and sociology. I bring that education to issues we all face. Sometimes what I write will be personal and at other times more philosophical.

Why “A View From the Sycamore”? While I am not religious, the title evokes a Biblical reference that appeals to me. The Prophet Amos described himself as a farmer of sycamore figs and “neither a prophet nor the son of prophets.” In this way, he separated himself from the “official” prophets of his day who ignored the injustices and malignancies of the religious and political leaders of his time. He addressed the powerful with truths from their own traditions, but not from within their structures. Like Amos, I don’t pretend to speak with any authority other than that of reality and the truth as I view it. I am not Jewish, Christian, nor any other recognized religion, but I am one who has studied the moral, spiritual, and ethical teachings in various religions. I believe many people in the world share my most basic values if not my views. I find compelling lessons in various traditions and perspectives consistent with my own spiritual quests. This blog is influenced by moral and ethical teachings found in my own heritage but that also transcend many religions. These common values and a shared humanity are what I want to evoke.

That’s enough for now. I am not known for brevity of thought so I must intentionally reign in my impulses to say it all. Thanks for visiting and reading this far. I look forward to sharing thoughts in the coming weeks. AB